Mitutoyo 201389 Overlay Chart for Measuring Projector Ø 300mm Part Number: MIT201389
For Measuring Projectors. These standard overlay charts increase the range of application and the efficiency of Profile Projectors. This chart set offers you the following benefits:
The charts are supplied in sizes Ø250, 300, 340, 500 and 600mm to suit the screens of projectors
A large range of scales and profiles is provided that enables you to test workpiece features quickly and easily. You can test the length , height, parallelism, angle, radius, taper, bore position, diameter, as well as all standardized thread and tooth profiles.
All charts are made of a distortion-free special plastics compound and are provided with a protective coating.
Line Width
Linear Error Limits
Angular Error Limts
Ø 300mm
0.05, 0.08, 0.1 and 0.12mm
(0.04 + L/3000)mm
25 angular seconds